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About PPS

PPS - Peer to Peer support fostering active ageing aims to develop and pilot a methodology and training programs to help older adults to remain active by supporting other older adults (55+) to deal with ageing. The methodology is based on peer to peer group facilitation as well as learning and peer facilitation mediated by the Internet. In addition to the face to face programs that are usually effective, an e-training program is provided in order to reach a higher number of people. For these reasons the partners have decided to develop two different training programs with the same content. Both are piloted to check how effective they are and how they can be made even more effective.

The content of the training program for seniors on active ageing (face to face and Web based) is structured in modules:

  • Active ageing introduction
  • Healthy ageing
  • Using technologies
  • Specific modules

The specific module are all available in the English language, they are:

  • Cultural heritage and understanding of history
  • Personal finances in modern era
  • Psychology of older adults and art therapy
  • Security, finance and time
  • Voluntary service
  • Social skills
  • Mental fitness – Activating your parents
  • Finding a place to volunteer
  • Mental fitness – Activating your parents
  • Myths and facts about the ageing process
  • Modern attitude to the ageing process
  • Valorising and transfering my skills
  • Elaborating an activity action plan based on local resources

When choosing your language, you will see wich ones are available in that language.

The training program addressed to peer to peer facilitators will be carried out face to face only. Its main purpose will be to prepare and train mentors (peers) for leading the group of participants and to conduct the face-to-face program and e-learning program for active ageing. Once peers have been trained they will conduct pilot training program for older adults in both versions for evaluation and upgrading purposes. The main objective of PPS project therefore is to develop an educational program for older adults on active ageing, available free of charge, with support of trained mentors.


To know more about all PPS activities: visit the project website.


This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. The content of this web site reflects the views only of the project partners, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.